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Intravascular Therapies
In Intravascular Therapies (IVT), we Value Life by providing short, medium and long term vascular access devices (VADs), all designed to meet a wide range of clinical needs. Our motivation is ‘the right line for the right patient at the right time.’
Complementing our midlines and PICCs is our ECG tip location system. In addition there are portable elastomeric infusion pumps as well as a closed system transfer device for chemotherapy delivery.
This hub is dedicated to sharing our knowledge and expertise by linking you to the latest clinical papers, official guidance and protocols, education resources and learning tools. All the resources at your fingertips so you can access the information you need, when you want it.
Our priority is complete, integrated healthcare solutions so you can deliver best practice and improve clinical outcomes.

Out of Hospital Care
Acute to Community
When appropriate, receiving care and treatment in the community has both clinical benefits for the patient and operational advantages for hospitals. Here we explore how this can work effectively for everyone involved.
Designed to support teams using our Intravascular Therapy products, these packs cover the range of issues we regularly focus on during our training and education programmes.
At Vgyon training and development are integral to our culture. We are committed to supporting our customers learning needs by offering a variety of online resources they can access at a time to suit them.
Our brand new case studies section of the website providing supporting evidence of how Vygon collaborates with Hospitals and Trusts to improve the delivery of Vascular Access and improve patient experience.
Product Focus
The high-security connection for systemic anti-cancer therapy. A complete range of devices for the preparation, transfer and infusion of medication which focuses on safety from start to finish.
Selecting the right vascular access device that is best suited to the patient-specific clinical conditions, proactively supports timely clinical intervention, reduces vessel damage and preserves vessels for future use.
Request Training Session With our Team
Our clinical nursing team and product specialists are able to provide a wide range of training and support to suit your requirements. From online resources, help guides, virtual training or on-site training and education, the Vygon team is on hand to support your department.
To discuss your training and education requirements, please contact us by clicking the box below
Meet the Team
At Vygon our focus is to be the ‘best in class’; to understand the world we work in and how our products fit into that world. Our dedicated sales team – backed up by experts at our UK headquarters - ensures our customers get the support they need on the ground in hospitals as well as in the community.
To deliver an excellent service there is no substitute for first-hand experience and knowledge of the issues and pressures healthcare professionals face when treating and caring for patients. That’s why we are proud to have Clinical Nurse Advisors in our Vygon IVT team. As highly accomplished specialists in their fields, our Clinical Nurse Advisors offer a premium level of valuable support.
With their expertise, we have produced competency frameworks incorporating national and international guidelines that cover how to use and care for our products. The level of detail and skill in our implementation training packages ensures that our Clinical Nurse Advisors are able to teach and sign off key vascular access competencies, that nurses take with them throughout their careers.
In partnering with NHS teams, our support is there on an ongoing basis through our educational and training programs as well as our learning resources. In short, the support never stops!
Clinical Nurse Educators
Tracey Jones (BSc Hons, Pg Cert) - RGN
Tracey trained at Barts Health NHS Trust, and then spent the majority of her clinical career working within critical care. Gaining her B.Sc. Hons in Acute Surgery and High Dependency Care, where she worked until moving to intensive care. During this time, she was also introduced to vascular access devices.
Tracey has spent time managing patients within community settings who required long term IV therapy, transferring skills from critical care to the community. She is also a big advocate for mentoring student nurses and qualified nurses and has trained medical and nursing staff in basic and intermediate life support.
Most recently, Tracy’s achievement of a PG Cert allows her to critique research and transfer knowledge to her current role as a Clinical Nurse Educator working for Vygon UK since 2015. She also holds a valid NMC registration.

Dave Wynne – BSc (Hons) RGN
David Trained to be a Registered Nurse at Wirral University teaching Hospitals through Chester University and gained his first nursing role on a renal dialysis unit immediately after qualifying. He spent 6 years on the unit gaining experience in accessing Arteriovenous Fistulas and accessing Haemofiltration lines.
This led him to apply for a post in a Vascular Access Team at the Royal Liverpool Hospital where he learnt how to insert and manage a range of vascular access devices such as PICCs, Midlines, Ports and other tunnelled CVCs.
After two years he successfully applied for the post of a Vascular Access Specialist Nurse and was tasked with starting a new VA service to address issues with high levels of Bacteraemia’s relating to vascular devices.
During the 12 years in this role, he developed the service into one that inserts upwards of 1200 PICCs and Midlines per year for both inpatients and outpatients, whilst also providing a detailed surveillance program for all devices inserted by his team. To support clinical staff with management of vascular devices, David was involved with a range of education and training to provide an up-to-date evidence-based approach to care and maintenance.
David’s forward-thinking approach to developing a successful VA service, was enhanced by the use of ultrasound guidance for procedures, as well as the introduction of Pilot TLS where he successfully moved over to an X-ray free approach to almost all PICC tip confirmation.
His twelve years in this role, and vast years of experience have led him to the recent opportunity within Vygon as a Clinical Nurse educator to support the IVT Team.

Frequently Asked Questions
Relevant Referencing and Support
NHS Education for Scotland (NES) are developing a range of educational and induction resources for all health and social care staff deployed or redeployed to support services. The website will be regularly reviewed and updated in line with current advice and as new material becomes available. Topics within this site includes:
- Assessment and care of people with COVID-19
- Palliative and end of life care
- Practice in the community setting
- Death and bereavement
- Resources for other new staff
- Protecting yourself and your workplace environment
- Psychological mental health and well- being support for staff
This site contains coronavirus guidance for clinicians and NHS managers. It includes information for: Primary care, Secondary care, Community health, Social care, Mental health and Ambulance services.
This site contains a vast amount of information on all aspects of COVID-19
This site offers information and support on COVID-19. It includes:
- How they are continuing to regulate
- Statements
- COVID-19 – temporary registration
- Information for students, educators, nurses, midwives and nursing associates and overseas candidates
To assist health workers and researchers working under challenging conditions to bring this outbreak to a close, The Lancet has created a Coronavirus Resource Centre. This resource brings together new 2019 novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) content from across The Lancet journals as it is published. All of the COVID-19 content is free to access.
Find out how to protect yourself, what you should expect from your employer and what to do if you have concerns. Relevant for student nurses, apprentice nurses and nursing associates on workforce expansion.
General government guidance regarding COVID-19