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Training Videos
Video based resources are now a widely accepted and well-liked e-learning style. By developing short, engaging films our aim is to support and supplement your knowledge of our products. Videos available include vascular access device insertion, device care and maintenance and demonstrations of Accufuser in use.
For more VAD learning tools see our Clinical Support Packs and Online Resources.

Care and Maintenance of PICC & Midlines
This care and maintenance video is a demonstration of how to flush and dress a midline or PICC.
Leaderflex & Smartmidline Insertion
In this film we demonstrate how to insert a Smartmidline, or Leaderflex, catheter using ultrasound guidance.
Leaderflex & Smartmidline Insertion
This is a demonstration of how to insert a Leaderflex or Smartmidline without the use of ultrasound guidance (using a vein board).
Smartmidline Insertion with Dilator
Here we demonstrate how to insert a Smartmidline using a dilator and ultrasound guidance.
Lifecath Midline Insertion
This video is a demonstration of how to insert a Lifecath midline using ultrasound guidance.
PICC Insertion with Ultrasound
This guidance video for PICC Insertion focuses on how to insert a PICC using ultrasound guidance.
Accessing A Totally Implanted Vascular Access Device
This short video demonstrates the process of accessing a totally implanted vascular access devices (TIVAD).
Standard ANTT and Accufuser Elastomerics Pump
A short video which takes you through the steps required in the preparation, filling and disposal of the Vygon Accufuser using a standard ANTT technique.
Surgical ANTT and Accufuser Elastomerics Pump
This film runs through the steps required in the preparation, filling and disposal of the Vygon Accufuser using a surgical ANTT technique.
PPS Flow+ Huber Needle Insertion and Removal
This short video runs through the steps required in the preparation, insertion and removal of the Vygon PPS Flow+ Huber Needle.
PPS Safety Huber Needle - One-handed safety needle activation
This short video runs through the steps required in the insertion and removal of the Vygon PPS Safety Huber Needle. Designed to help prevent catheter occlusion.
Additional support
Didn't find what you were looking for above, have a look at our upcoming and archived webinar section or request a virtual training session with one of our team.

Upcoming and archived webinars
A selection of webinars on ECG technique for tip location of central catheters and Vascular Access in a post COVID-19 World

Due to the current COVID-19 situation we are not currently able to provide on-site training and education, to request a virtual training session or information call with one of our team, please contact us by clicking the box below