Gastrostomies Resources

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Getting Gastrostomies by Vygon Webpage Banner

A collection of easily accessible learning tools created to help develop knowledge about the care and maintenance of enteral feeding devices.

Product Guides & Patient Guides for Enteral Devices from Vygon UK


Discover our range of brochures and guides for our enteral and gastrostomy range for clinicians and patients. Below you will find a selection of literature related to our enteral products ready to view and download to your device.

What is the BLENDS Project? From Vygon


BLended ENteral Diet Study (BLENDS) is a project in conjunction with The University of Nottingham, as well as a group of parents who use blended diets for their tube-fed children. The Blends Project addresses the need for practical and user-friendly resources to support families, parents, and caregivers using blended diets. This includes an interactive website and resource that will guide parents of tube-fed children through their journey into the blended diet.

Tubefed by Avanos


A comprehensive guide to tube feeding, all in one place. Brought to you by the makers of MIC-KEY* G-Tube


This is a patient facing website with troubleshooting page that provide animated videos for examples of :- stoma maintenance and tube care videos, balloon maintenance, and preventing clogs and replacing a tube videos.

Gastrostomy Toolkit


The Pier Network have created guidelines and a series of flow diagrams designed to help you assess and treat problems with the gastrostomy tube and the exit site (stoma).

University of Oxford


They have created a series of 21 videos which cover a range of topics including routine care of a gastrostomy button, managing common problems and advice and tips from families.


The project has been a collaboration between families and healthcare professionals across community and hospital services and researchers from the Thames Valley region and beyond.

RDUH-East funded Training Video for healthcare staff only: Adults and Children Services.


The video accompanied the Nutrition Village Session delivered at BAPEN:Edinburgh23. Outlining the creation and use of a clinical algorithm in practice, for emergency and out of hours services and roles.



PINNT offers a range of support and resources for members: A support & advocacy group for people on Home Artificial Nutrition (HAN).



BAPEN is a Charitable Association that raises awareness of malnutrition and works to advance the nutritional care of patients and those at risk from malnutrition in the wider community.



The objectives of the NNNG are to promote education in nutrition and related subjects for members of the nursing profession, for the public benefit, and especially for the benefit of patients in the hospital and community.



The BDA Parenteral & Enteral Nutrition specialist group strives to train, educate, support and represent dietitians working in oral, enteral and parenteral nutrition support in all care settings.



Early detection of complications after gastrostomy


Like any interventional procedure, there is potential for complications (including chemical peritonitis, infection, bowel perforation, haemorrhage, and aspiration pneumonia) but prompt recognition of these complications with early action reduces the risk of serious harm or death.


All NHS organisations providing care in the period up to 72 hours (three days) post-gastrostomy