Customer Service
At Vygon we believe in listening to our customers, responding swiftly and ensuring we provide accurate and appropriate information. This is why we don’t just offer a Customer Service Team, we offer all of our customers a dedicated Customer Service Associate. Your Customer Service Associate will handle your enquiry personally and will be your main point of contact throughout the process, meaning no risk of being passed to numerous people throughout the process or talking to an automated computer.
We offer a choice of delivery routes including ordering from us directly, through NHS Supply Chain, or through your preferred third party distributor. Our temperature controlled distribution centre is based in Swindon, and is ideally located to provide deliveries to customers across the country.
In addition we offer a gastrostomy tube Home Delivery service, which not only allows you to remain in control of orders but products can also be sent direct to your patient’s home without them needing to make unnecessary trips to hospital to re-stock.
Contact Us
The Customer Service Team is available to assist with your enquiry. Please contact 01793 748800 or complete the following form and a member of the team will contact you within 24 hours (Mon-Fri).
In case of emergency outside our normal office hours, or on a Bank Holiday, please call 07889 400 751