CPAP Boussignac Manometer

CPAP peep manometer pressure gauge

Manometer to measure the pressure generated by the CPAP Boussignac in the patient’s airways.

E-Class Code: 3660812006217
Vygon Code: 00052701

About Product

The connecting tube is supplied in the packaging containing the VYGON-BOUSSIGNAC CPAP code 5570.13.
The manometer must be connected to the colourless translucent port on the CPAP device. It indicates each centimetre of H2O from 0 to 25cm.
The manometer is encased in a protective polyurethane housing and is supplied with a manometer attachment cord (code

UOI Units: Each

UOI: 1

Contains Latex: No

Contains DEHP: No

Pyrogen Free: No

Sterile Medical Device: No

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