Bionector TKO®

Bionector TKO® bi-directional flow control system

Bionector TKO® Combines the market-leading needle-free device with a valve that quite simply stops catheter tip reflux, making catheter occlusion a thing of the past

E-Class Code: 33660812074798
Vygon Code: 00083801 E

Core Product Features

TKO: To Keep Open valve

100% bi-directional fluid control

Straight fluid pathway

Reduce catheter occlusions

Gap-free seal

Cleanable split-septum

Training & Support Program

About Product

Bionector TKO® is a patented “To Keep Open” valve, with 100% bi-directional fluid control and a straight fluid pathway. Bionector TKO has been specifically designed to reduce catheter occlusion, and works by controlling the bi-directional flow of fluid, infusate and catheter tip blood reflux.

Occlusions can be commonplace in patients with vascular access lines, which both costs you money and affects your patients.This is accepted as normal, with occlusions and their consequences being dealt with as a matter of routine.The most common are: thrombotic occlusion when blood or clotting agents accumulate inside the catheter and persistent withdrawal occlusion when fibrin is aspirated into the catheter.

This is where Bionector TKO can benefit you, it is clinically shown to reduce; catheter occlusions by 88% (50.4 to 5.8 per 1,000 catheter days)*, loss of IV catheter by 91% (9% to 0.8%)* and tissue plasminogen activator (tPA) usage by 85%*.

*references available on request.

Patented “To Keep Open” (TKO) valve

100% bi-directional fluid control
Valve opening pressure 0.43 psi (22.4mm Hg)
Flow rate > 50 ml per minute
Withdrawal pressure 7.0 psi (29x vascular resistance)

Power inject up to 350 psi**
Low flow rate for neonatal care
Straight fluid pathway.

**Applies to Bionector TKO® only. The Self-Administration Set has power inject up to 240 psi max.

UOI Units: Box

UOI: 50

Support Videos

Product Support

We can customise posters and patient information leaflets to reflect local practice and to ensure your policies and procedures are promoted in-line with best practice guidelines.

Our literature is also a valuable educational tool, including placement techniques, instructions for use and clinical references that support evidence-based practice in-line with Department of Health recommendations.

Supporting Documents Download:


Bill Scroggs, Senior ODP and Midline/IV Access Team Leader, Burton Hospitals NHS Trust after implementation of Bionector TKO on Midline catheters

"We really wanted to help as many people as possible get back home to receive their treatment rather than sitting in a hospital bed. TKO has helped us achieve that and, at the same time we’ve brought down the blockage rate, we have increased the number of lines inserted. Dwell time has also gone up from an average of five days to between eight and nine. Also, as an exception we keep the lines in for longer and we have extended our maximum dwell time too to 53 days."

Clinical Nurse Specialist (CNS) Sue Rowlands, from the IV Resource Team at the Royal Wolverhampton NHS Trust.

"We’re really pleased with what the team is achieving with Bionector TKO and patients see the benefits because the reduced number of line occlusions means that drugs are administered in a more timely fashion, and patients don’t have the distress of having repeated line insertions. We are also saving valuable clinical time by not having to unblock lines or re-insertion of catheters. Royal Wolverhampton NHS Trust has transformed the insertion and care of IV lines to deliver a better experience for patients as well as helping the Trust save money"


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