TPN Filter 1.2µm

Self priming 1.2 micron air eliminating filter

Total parenteral nutrition admixture (TPN) filter, microbore tubing with clamp self priming 1.2 micron air eliminating filter for removal of microbial contaminents and associated endotoxins

E-Class Code: 3660812008686
Vygon Code: 000807102

About Product

Filter total nutrient admixture (TPN) microbore tubing with clamp

PVC extension tube with clamp and 1.2µm air eliminating filter for lipidic solutions. Duration of use: up to 24 hours (code 807.102) – Supplied with day change labels.
N.B.: Filter is not compatible with blood.

UOI Units: Box

UOI: 10

Contains Latex: No

Contains DEHP: No

Pyrogen Free: Yes

Sterile Medical Device: Yes

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