Loss of Resistance Syringe (Luer)

10ml yellow slip loss of resistance syringe

10ml yellow slip loss of resistance syringe that allows automatic detection of the epidural space owing to the continuous positive pressure applied to the piston by an elastic strip.

E-Class Code: 3660812032698
Vygon Code: 00101810

About Product

This syringe allows automatic detection of the epidural space owing to the continuous positive pressure applied to the piston by an elastic strip.
– Inserting the needle with 2 hands ensures its smooth progression
– Visual confirmation of access of Tuohy needle to the epidural space
– Syringe can be used either with liquid* or air*
* If the syringe is filled with gas, clip the device with the letter “G” or the symbol “-” toward the top of the syringe (toward the anaesthetist).
If the syringe is filled with liquid, clip the device with the letter “L” or the symbol “+” toward the anaesthetist.”

Low-resistance plastic syringe allowing location of the epidural space:
– code 1018.07: 7 ml polypropylene syringe with Luer slip fitting
– code 1018.10: 10 ml polypropylene syringe with Luer slip fitting
– code 1018.103: 10 ml polypropylene syringe with Luer-lock fitting.

– code 1018.102: EPIMATIC (10 ml polypropylene syringe with Luer slip fitting)

UOI Units: Box

UOI: 20

Contains Latex: No

Contains DEHP: No

Pyrogen Free: Yes

Sterile Medical Device: Yes

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