Video: Interview with Professor Jane Coad

Video: Interview with Professor Jane Coad

Professor Jane Coad discusses the BLENDS Project

Products Supporting Blended Diet

Easymoov6 face-on showing the display functions.


A new enteral feeding pump.

Enteral Feeding Bags

EasyMoov6 Feeding Bags

A range of bags for enteral feeding.

MIC Button

MIC-KEY Feeding Tubes

Supporting with blended diets.

Support & Resources

Request BLENDS Study

Request a copy of the Food for Feeding Tubes: a BLended ENteral Diet Study (BLENDS).

Download BLENDS Resource

Download your copy of the Food for Feeding Tubes: a BLended ENteral Diet Study (BLENDS) parent resource.

Visit BLENDS Website

In partnership with The University of Nottingham, visit our website to learn more about the Blends Project.

Read more about BLENDS

This article explores the benefits and ways to incorporated blended diets into your routine.