Mostcare UP offers more patients access to the benefits of cardiac output monitoring

Vygon’s unique cardiac output monitor, Mostcare UP, is simple to set up, easy to use and its accurate data can give patients better access to more effective treatments and faster recovery times.

The haemodynamic variables provided by Mostcare enables clinicians to precisely assess a patient’s condition, optimise fluid levels and deliver the most appropriate treatment.

Mostcare monitors a patient’s haemodynamic variables via any existing arterial line and, in addition to standard clinical parameters, it provides exclusive variables focusing on cardiac output and efficiency, vascular function and oxygen delivery to assist in decision-making and goal directed therapy.

Mostcare’s versatility means it can be used for continuous monitoring or, uniquely, transferred easily from patient to patient for ‘snapshot’ visualisation.

“In the past, cardiac output monitoring has been limited to the most high-risk patients in operating theatres, critical care and high dependency units because the equipment required specialist knowledge to operate and interpret the data,” explains Gavin Dolman, Vygon’s Business Development Manager for Monitoring and Critical Access.

“Mostcare is much more accessible because it is easier to set up and use and simply needs access to an arterial line. Plus with no additional consumables it eliminates ongoing costs.”


Mostcare has been clinically validated* in both adult and paediatric patients including:

  • In the perioperative setting, Mostcare has helped reduce complications and hospital stays through goal-directed therapy after major surgery, directed fluid management and for high-risk surgery and perioperative monitoring for cardiovascular patients.1,2,3
  • In paediatric care, Mostcare has assisted in effective treatment after cardiac surgery and in critical care.4,5,6
  • In the intensive care and critical care setting, Mostcare has been effective in helping to monitor cardiac output to effectively treat septic patients.7,8
1. Pearse R, Dawson D, Fawcett J, Rhodes A, Grounds RM, Bennett ED. Early goal-directed therapy after major surgery reduces complications and duration of hospital stay. A randomised, controlled trial. Crit Care 2005;9(6):R687-93.
2. Lopes MR, Oliveira MA, Pereira VO, Lemos IP, Auler JO Jr, Michard F. Goal- directed fluid management based on pulse pressure variation monitoring during high-risk surgery: a pilot randomized controlled trial. Crit Care 2007;11(5):R100.
3. Vincent JL, Pelosi P, Pearse R, Payen D, Perel A, Hoeft A, Romagnoli S, Ranieri VM, Ichai C, Forget P, Della Rocca G, Rhodes A. Perioperative cardiovascular monitoring of high-risk patients: An international consensus. Crit Care 2015 May 8;19:224.
4. Calamandrei M, Mirabile L, Musichetta S, Gensini GF, De Simone L, Romano SM. Assessment of cardiac output in children: a comparison between the pressure recording analytical method (PRAM) and the Doppler echocardiography method -a pilot study. Pediatr Crit Care Med 2008;9: 310-2.
5. Ricci Z, Haiberger R, Pezzella C, Garisto C, Favia I, Cogo P. Furosemide versus ethacrynic acid in pediatric patients undergoing cardiac surgery: a randomized controlled trial. Crit Care. 2015 Jan 7;19(1):2.
6. Garisto C, Favia I, Ricci Z, Romagnoli S, Haiberger R, Polito A, Cogo P. Pressure recording analytical method and bioreactance for stroke volume index monitoring during pediatric cardiac surgery. Paediatr Anaesth 2015 Feb;25(2):143-9.
7. Franchi F, Silvestri R, Cubattoli L,Taccone FS, Donadello K, Romano SM, Giomarelli P, McBride WT, Scolletta S. Comparison between an uncalibrated pulse contour method and thermodilution technique for cardiac output estimation in septic patients. Br J Anaesth 2011;107(2): 202-8.
8. Guarracino F, Ferro B, Forfori F, Bertini P, Magliacane L, Pinsky MR. Jugular vein distensibility predicts fluid responsiveness in septic patients. Crit Care 2014 Dec 5;18(6):647.
Published 24th March 2020

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