Benefits of an Elastomeric Pump

Discover more about elastomeric pumps, their uses and benefits to patients, hospitals, and trusts.
Firstly, what is an elastomeric infusion pump?
An elastomeric infusion pump is a type of infusion pump that is used to deliver specific types of fluids into a patient’s body in a controlled manner. An elastomeric pump (also known as a balloon pump or ball pump) uses pressure to infuse medication. This pressure is created by having the fluid held in a stretchable balloon reservoir, then pressure from the elastic walls of the balloon drives fluid delivery
Available in a range of sizes and flow rates, elastomeric pumps are designed to deliver a continuous flow of safe and accurate infusions for a variety of treatments and therapies. At Vygon UK, we offer the Accufuser® elastomeric pump to hospitals and Trusts across the United Kingdom.
Why use an elastomeric infusion pump?
With many positive benefits to patients and hospital Trusts, there are many reasons to include an elastomeric pump within a patient pathway, including:
Elastomeric pumps do not need electricity, nor are they driven by gravity and therefore offer a more flexible and comfortable infusion experience for the patient.
These devices do not require maintenance and are disposable after a single use
Available in a range of sizes and flow rates
Integrated UV protection for improved medication stability
Suitable for a range of treatments and therapies
Studies have shown significant cost savings can be made by implementing an elastomeric pump strategy within OPAT services.
Operational time saving for hospital staff
Easy to use for better ambulatory patient care. (Elastomeric pumps can be considered an ambulatory pump)
Greater flexibility of patient care and can contribute to improved recovery times
Portable, comfortable, and discreet for the patient
What can elastomeric infusion pumps be used for?
Elastomeric infusion pumps are suitable for a range of therapies including:
Antibiotic Infusions
Post-Operative Pain Management
Cancer Pain Management
Thalassemia Treatment
Diuretics treatment
Longer term infusion treatment
Benefits for Hospital Trusts when using Elastomeric Devices:
Reducing Unnecessary Bed Stays, Workload for Health Care Workers and Financial Savings
The NHS always strives to improve quality of their care as well as looking for opportunities to achieve efficiency savings. (1) This fine balance has led many Trusts to evaluating and implementing the use of elastomeric pumps into their service.
The use of elastomeric pumps can help ease the workload for healthcare workers when preparing and administering drugs. Time spent reconstituting and administering drugs can amount to several hours of care per patient where other duties cannot be performed, thus increases the workload on other staff. An elastomeric pump reduces this burden by giving accurate infusions over a longer time period, thereby freeing up time to carry on with other duties.
Furthermore, as elastomeric pumps can be used in both hospital and home settings, this can offer operational and financial savings for Trusts by reducing unnecessary bed stays, as demonstrated in the recent study with Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust which found significant positive results for both patients and the Trust.
Over the course of the study, 86 patients qualified for the device and were discharged to continue treatment at home.
This released 1,143 bed days, equating to £360,410 cost savings (OUH net saving).
Patient Benefits of Elastomeric Infusion Pumps
Easy to Use Device for Better Ambulatory Patient Care
One of the outstanding benefits of using elastomeric devices is the suitability for use in both hospital settings and for longer-term outpatient treatment.
With guidance from OPAT teams, use of an elastomeric device can be a crucial part of the acute to community patient pathway. This use of elastomeric devices in home settings offer a greater flexibility of care and can contribute to improved recovery time.
The devices are designed to be portable, comfortable, and discreet. Often supplied with handy carry bag options, patients can carry on with many daily activities whilst receiving intravenous therapy from the elastomeric device.
Benefits of Elastomeric Antibiotic Pumps in Practice
East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust
The Nursing Team at East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust has improved patient care with the use of 24-hour nurse-filled antibiotic pumps, with positive impacts to the patients and trust.
“We just fill the pump with one day’s worth, attach it to the patient and send them home…We have around 25 patients at any one time on these regimes who would otherwise be in hospital, and it has had a massive impact on cost, travel and nursing intervention time.” Gemma Oliver, Nurse Consultant in IV Care and Senior Surgical Matron, 2018 Read More
About the Accufuser® Elastomeric Infusion Pump from Vygon UK
Accufuser® is a 24-hour fresh-filled, immediate use elastomeric pump for simple, safe and accurate drug delivery. Can be used in hospital setting or for longer-term outpatient treatment for better ambulatory patient care. Follow this link to find out more or use the form below to make an enquiry about introducing Accufuser® to your department or trust.
- https://www.england.nhs.uk/five-year-forward-view/next-steps-on-the-nhs-five-year-forward-view/funding-and-efficiency/
- https://www.supplychain.nhs.uk/news-article/successful-value-based-procurement-pilot-creates-new-patient-pathway-at-oxford-university-hospitals-nhs-foundation-trust
- https://www.nursingtimes.net/news/hospital/nurse-filled-iv-pumps-make-phenomenal-difference-to-patients-27-04-2018/
Elastomeric Pump Downloads & Resources
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If you would like to speak to a Vygon representative regarding Accufuser or how our team can support your Trust, please complete the form below.