Bionector TKO (SAS) Self Administration Set

27cm Bionector (SAS) Self Administration Set

Bionector TKO Self-Administration Set (SAS) featuring all the benefits of Bionector TKO® with a longer tube for patients to self-medicate in the comfort of their own homes.

E-Class Code: 3660812091220
Vygon Code: 005222838

About Product

Bionector TKO® is a patented “To Keep Open” valve, with 100% bi-directional fluid control and a straight fluid pathway. Bionector TKO has been specifically designed to reduce catheter occlusion, and works by controlling the bi-directional flow of fluid, infusate and catheter tip blood reflux. Bionector TKO® Self-Administration Sets (SAS) feature all the benefits of Bionector TKO with a longer tube for patients to self-medicate in the comfort of their own homes.It has been developed with expert IV Nurse Specialists in Outpatient Parenteral Antimicrobial Therapy (OPAT) teams, the Bionector TKO Self-Administration Set (SAS) is transforming the way IV medication can be delivered. By using the Bionector TKO SAS, patients no longer need to visit the hospital for the therapy to be delivered. It features a 27cm polyurethane tube which is easy for patients to use and reduces the need for a community nurse to be there.

It has a wide variety of uses including:
Infectious diseases
Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT)

Needlefree extension set Extension line self administration set (sas) with bionector tko 27cm tube with clamp PUR

I.V. extension tube in flexible, transparent polyurethane tubing with Bionector TKO and mini Roberts clamp.
Octopus with Bionector TKO is a multi-purpose catheter accessory, a single lumen I.V. extension tube with needleless connector, enabling intermittent injections or continuous infusions of fluids or medications and blood sampling.
Octopus with Bionector TKO is a needleless catheter patency device that has been specifically designed to reduce thrombotic catheter occlusions and works by controlling the bi-directional flow of fluid, infusate and catheter tip blood reflux.

Octopus with Bionector TKO has a very easily disinfectable membrane (disinfection must be carried out before and after use) which closes automatically when the infusion line or the syringe is disconnected.
The proximal end of Octopus with Bionector TKO is a female Luer-Lock fitting and will accept any device featuring a male Luer or male Luer-Lock fitting (syringe, infusion set …).
Octopus with Bionector TKO features a male connector with mobile locking device to connect it to all devices featuring a female Luer-Lock hub (IV catheter…).

Octopus with Bionector TKO has the following advantages:
– Prevents occlusion risks from
. syringe and infusion set disconnection
. syringe plunger rebound
. IV bag running dry
. venous pressure changes (cough…)
– Eliminates the risk of access-associated needle-stick injury
– Reduces the risk of cannula movement in the vein causing mechanical vein irritation
– Provides closed system (avoiding blood reflux) when accessing the catheter
– PUR material (no PVC, DEHP-free), no leaching of plasticizers.

Octopus with Bionector TKO is lipid-resistant.
Priming volume : 0.75 ml.
Maximum infusion/injection pressure is 240 psi (16.5 bar).
Bionector can be disinfected with most of the antiseptic solutions (example: 70% alcohol). Avoid using antiseptic containing both alcohol and oxygenated water.

UOI Units: Box

UOI: 25

Contains Latex: No

Contains DEHP: No

Pyrogen Free: Yes

Sterile Medical Device: Yes

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Product Support

We can customise posters and patient information leaflets to reflect local practice and to ensure your policies and procedures are promoted in-line with best practice guidelines.

Our literature is also a valuable educational tool, including placement techniques, instructions for use and clinical references that support evidence-based practice in-line with Department of Health recommendations.

Supporting Documents Download:


Vicki Shawyer, Senior Vascular Access Nurse Specialist at the Royal Devon and Exeter after the successful trial of the Bionector TKO self administration set (SAS).

"The evidence from patients has proved to be an overwhelming endorsement of the new extension line. They appreciate the freedom it gives them and the opportunity to get on with normal life. Many are young; at work or college and to have to get to the hospital to receive therapies would be inconvenient and severely impact their daily routine."

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