
easymoov6 Enteral Feeding Pump

A new enteral feeding pump designed to meet all patients’ needs in ambulatory and stationary medical care, the easymoov6 enteral feeding pump allows comfort and safety for patients and medical professionals in both hospital and homecare settings.

Vygon Code: 0VEPM6G02

Core Product Features

Powerful: A continuous rotary peristaltic rotor helps deliver high-viscosity food and preventing occlusion

Intuitive: All the information is available on one large screen: a short learning curve allowing the user to manage the pump quickly

Quiet: A noiseless continuous rotary peristaltic rotor allows patients to feed during the night

Safe: Nutrition modes, as well as visual and audible alarms, allow safe management of the pump by patients and/or caregivers

Battery life: 20 hours at 125 ml/h (fully charged battery)

About Product

The easymoov6 ambulatory pump is a continuous flow, rotary peristaltic pump, guaranteeing a constant flow rate throughout the feeding sequence. Lightweight and compact, it fully meets the constraints inherent to ambulatory use and is suitable for stationary use. The easymoov6 can be attached to a drip stand using the pole clamp accessory provided with the pump and is suitable for thicker feeds.

The easymoov6 pump has been built and tested according to ES 60601-1 (3rd edition), IEC 60601-1-

2:2007 and 60601-1-2:2014. Confirmation of accuracy is conducted per the IEC 60601-2-24 standard for Infusion Devices, as applicable for enteral feeding. easymoov6 pump runs on an internal NiMH battery that is not accessible to users. The pump is supplied with a battery.

UOI Units: Box

UOI: 1

Contains Latex: No

Contains DEHP: No

Sterile Medical Device: No

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Shropshire Community Health NHS Trust

""The easymoov6 pump helped reduce the time it takes to feed Freya. It also allowed us to have our hands free while feeding, allowing us to give more effective comfort and give her tastes of her feed. When using the easymoov6 we had no episodes of vomiting and reduced levels of pain resulting in an enhanced quality of life.""


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