Bionector TKO® is a patented “To Keep Open” valve, with 100% bi-directional fluid control and a straight fluid pathway. Bionector TKO has been specifically designed to reduce catheter occlusion, and works by controlling the bi-directional flow of fluid, infusate and catheter tip blood reflux.
Occlusions can be commonplace in patients with vascular access lines, which both costs you money and affects your patients.This is accepted as normal, with occlusions and their consequences being dealt with as a matter of routine.The most common are: thrombotic occlusion when blood or clotting agents accumulate inside the catheter and persistent withdrawal occlusion when fibrin is aspirated into the catheter.
This is where Bionector TKO can benefit you, it is clinically shown to reduce; catheter occlusions by 88% (50.4 to 5.8 per 1,000 catheter days)*, loss of IV catheter by 91% (9% to 0.8%)* and tissue plasminogen activator (tPA) usage by 85%*.
*references available on request.