
A catheter used to administer surfactant to neonates using the LISA method

Surfcath™ is a purpose designed catheter used to administer surfactant to neonates with Respiratory Distress Syndrome (RDS) using the LISA method. Surfcath™ is designed for use within the respiratory phase of ‘The Golden Hour of care’ after a baby is born.

Vygon Code: 005590106

Core Product Features

Catheter for surfactant administration using the LISA technique

Designed for accuracy and ease of placement

Soft tip to reduce damage

Transparent material with clear markings

Bendable thermoplastic material for manoeuvrability

Less invasive 6Fr guage

About Product

Vygons Surfcath™ is made of a thermoplastic material anatomically designed with a 2cm black tip at a 30 degree angle to ensure accuracy and ease of placement. It features an extra soft tip to reduce any damage to vocal cords, its transparent with clear markings for visual confirmation on inserted length and surfactant delivery and it has a semi-rigid but bendable 20cm 6FR tube to enable added manoeuvrability and easier surfactant administration.

Surfcath™ is a catheter designed by neonatologist for the administration of surfactant using the LISA Method without Magill forceps. LISA is a less invasive surfactant administration technique, this avoids obstruction of the airways, allowing spontaneous breathing. Surfcath™ is for the treatment of premature or full-term high-risk neonates or with respiratory distress syndrome caused by pulmonary surfactant deficiency (hyaline membrane disease – HMD).

UOI Units: Box

UOI: 10

Manufacturer: Vygon

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Vygon is committed to education and support for our customers. We provide in-service training sessions for all staff and all shift patterns, to help ensure your clinicians achieve best practice when delivering care to patients. In addition, patient advice leaflets and children’s bravery certificates are available on request, to help assist the clinicians in supporting and informing their patients.

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