Vygon Online Learning Modules Re-accredited by the RCN

Vygon UK are pleased to announce that one of our online courses for clinicians has been re-accredited by the Royal College of Nursing (RCN).

This re-accreditation applies to the following course: Midline and Extended Dwell Catheter Insertion Course

Those who complete the course being awarded 5 CPD hours.

Our vascular access courses are FREE of charge to current Vygon customers.


Interested to find out more?

At present, these courses are available for current customers of our vascular access products. However, if you’d like to find out more about our vascular access range, or enquire about our clinician training services please get in touch below.

Frequently Asked Questions

Find out more about each of these online course modules below, or click ‘register interest’ if you are interested in signing up for one of these online modules.

Training & Education from Vygon UK

These online courses are part of the renowned training and education service provided by Vygon UK to our customers alongside our product offering.

For customers of our vascular access products, we provide the following exceptional services to support your clinical team:

  • In-person training and support from our dedicated clinical nurse team
  • Access to our online training platform for vascular access modules
  • Access to relevant studies and journals for our product range.
  • Vygon UK run annual in-person practical training such as our Port Placement Courses.
  • Patient support guides for relevant vascular access devices


For non-customers, but are clinicians who are interested in expanding their learning on vascular access we have the following resources:

  • Online articles and thought leadership on vascular access.
  • Support packs, brochures, and literature on all of our vascular access product range
  • Our online webinar and training video series
  • Online resources and guides for safer practices in vascular access such as insertion, removal, care, and maintenance.
  • Easy access to relevant industry resources

Discover our Resources Below

Tracey Jones


At Vygon we are extremely proud of our vascular access training and education, and see it as a vital part of our service

Tracey Jones - Clinical Educator

To find out more about our online learning courses, or our vascular access range

Please get in touch using the button below.

Published 23rd March 2023