Pioneering patient care with nurse-filled IV pumps  

Pioneering patient care with nurse-filled IV pumps  

20th June 2018

The nursing team at East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust have been paving the way to improve patient care with the use of 24-hour nurse-filled antibiotic pumps, and have been recognised for this innovation at the BJN Awards in March this year.

Current standard practice for patients who require IV antibiotics is to use pre-filled devices. This method often has significant cost implications for the Trust as well as increasing the risk of waste and patient stay in hospital.

East Kent has been taking steps to improve this and have even been extending their care to include home visits. One of the key benefits of these fresh-filled pumps is the flexibility they provide, Gemma Oliver, nurse consultant in IV care and senior surgical matron explains:

We just fill the pump with one day’s worth, attach it to the patient and send them home.

This flexibility of care has had significant impact on their patients:

We have around 25 patients at any one time on these regimes who would otherwise be in hospital and it has had a massive impact on cost, travel and nursing intervention time.

Vygon’s Accufuser provides the safe and accurate delivery of a continuous flow of infusions enabling the right dose at the right time as well as the added bonus of being at the correct temperature for your patients.

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At Vygon we believe working in partnership with the NHS to challenge what has always been done, creating new choices for our customers, establishing new and improved outcomes.


You can read the full story here:

Full Article

Published 20th June 2018

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