Portable Oxygen therapy | The rise in demand

Increase in oxygen demand in UK hospitals

This winter has seen a rise in respiratory conditions caused by respiratory viruses such as covid and flu, causing the NHS to fall under pressure with increases in the number of flu patients admitted to critical care. With bed occupancy at an all time high, this is putting strain on Ambulances and A&E departments as patients cannot be admitted to hospital. This has led to a significant increase in the demand for portable oxygen.

Guidance has been released on the use of oxygen cylinders where patients do not have access to medical gas pipeline systems and sensible measures have been put in place to conserve the oxygen cylinders available.

Clinicians have been instructed to continue managing patients’ target oxygen saturation levels in line with JRCALC [Joint Royal Colleges Ambulance Liaison Committee] guidelines, but with supply shortages and many NHS staff also taken ill with respiratory viruses, the pressure is intensifying.

Optimise oxygen.

FreeO2 is a portable oxygen titration device that continuously monitors the patients SPO2 levels and ensures they stay within the levels of oxygen saturation set by the clinician. By maximising the time spent at optimal oxygen levels, the patient outcomes are improved and the oxygen use is more efficient.

Why Free O2?

Easy to use and can be used trust-wide, FreeO2 can benefit patients from ambulance to ICU.

  • Safer, more effective, more efficient
  • Reduce the risk of clinical complications of hypoxia and hyperoxia
  • Easy to use, lightweight, portable, with Bluetooth connectivity
  • Reduced costs through shorter hospital stays
  • Reduce workload of healthcare staff

Reach out today to find out how FreeO2 can help you optimise your oxygen.

Ambulances face oxygen shortage as “twindemic” piles further pressure on NHS BMJ 2022; 379
Published 20th February 2023